

1) Task + Concept

- Think of a dramatic constellation of elements and lights in a movie, a video, a dance, a theater ...
  (you can search movies through http://caad.arch.ethz.ch/~vdmark)
- Consider the limits of the rendered scene (i.e.: transparent objects do no intersect correctly, no shadows ...)
- Write down an appropriate concept in 2-3 sentences
- Imitate the dramaturgy with 5 polygon primitives, material and lights

- Recreate the scene step-by-step
- Copy the recorded MEL script into the text editor (UltraEdit)
- clean up the script, introduce mnemonic names for the objects
- test the script in MAYA
- continue the modeling and editing cycle towards a complete script that creates the scene

from "The Matrix", Stills Photographer: Jasin Boland, www.whatisthematrix.com

2) Modeling

The process towards modeling the scene will vary individually
- The 3D-elements have to modeled
- The material created and assigned
- The lights created and placed in the scene

(For detailed introductions see the various tutorials)

Recreate the scene in several steps
to end up with a "nice" MEL recording

3) MEL Editing

- select the recording in the script editor
- save it with File > Save Selected ...
  (the ending should be .mel, remember the path)
- Open an empty file UltraEdit
- Open the Script

make the code readable
- delete superfluous lines
- combine multiple scales, rotations ...
- introduce mnemonic names for the elements
- introduce comments

- test every part of code separately
- include : file -f -new; as the first line of the script
  (clears the scene and removes materials, lights etc.)
- test the whole code

(For detailed introductions see the tutorial)

4) Upload

Please hand in:
- The concept (a title plus 2-3 sentences)
- 1-3 images of 650x500 pixels in JPG Format
  (one them can be a still frame from a movie, video
   please include the Name of the Film and the Artist)
- A clean, readable, and properly running MEL Script


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