Task 05 : CARTOON 2


1) Task + Concept

this is now the last of the preliminary exercises

- combine your actors with text to disambiguate or ambiguate the meaning
  or add a lattice box to add deformations

2) Strategy

- start with baby steps
- test every step
- try to write everything as a MEL script including the expressions

3) Upload

Please hand in:
- The concept (a title plus 2-3 sentences)
- 1-3 images of 650x500 pixels in JPG Format
  (one them can be a still frame from a movie, video
   please include the Name of the Film and the Artist)
- the MEL script the generates the scene
- the MAYA file
- if possible a quicktime movie
  (export it from Quicktime Pro as Soerenson 2xCD)


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