Task 06 : First Step of the Final N_ST


1) Final Task


a system of elements behaving and interacting in space with a powerful expressiveness
this is composed of the system itself and additional elements or behaviors to enhance the
perception of its special qualities

Example: The taxi in the movie "The Fifth Element". By breaking with the orthogonal motion the taxis makes
the viewer even more aware of the rules of the system and the resulting behavior

2) Input - 7 movie clips

The compilation edited by Steffen can be found >here<
Select one as your input and then aim for a composition the replicates or interprets the principles.

Buildings that grow with actors that evoke the growth.

Systems of connected parts where one moves as a result of another one plus the individual behavior.

Dualities between actors with a great ability to move through space and the ones waiting for them or
observing them.

Systems that show a behavior that is more than the sum of parts.

Static elements which become the projection areas for effects resulting from invisible sources and an
actor shown in motion, as project and as fragment.

Metamorphosis is the underlying principle of this example showing compositions unfolding over time
into space.

A mass deformed and disrupted by invisible forces that not only change its shape but also the surface

Preview of the 4 steps

Now you are starting the final task that will be completed in four steps:
- conceptional sketches of the choreography and test implementations
- implementation of key aspects
- demonstrable prototype
- preparation of the final presentation

3) Upload

Please hand in:
- The concept (a title plus 2-3 sentences)
- 1-3 images of 650x500 pixels in JPG Format illustrating the concept
- a MEL script with test implementations
- a MAYA file with first tests
- if available a quicktime movie with illustrations of the concept
  and/or your tests


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