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Main Menu : Create > Lights

- Select the Light Option Box
  to introduce a new light.

- A window to define the parameters
for the chosen type of light will pop up

- Set the parameters

- Chose "Create" to
  introduce the light into the scene

- Move and rotate the light

- Scaling has no effect on the light, but it
  may improve the handling
  (exception: area light)

- To refine the light parameters chose
  Channel Box : Object > nameOfLight >

- For the simple renderings we are
  working with in this course there is no
  need to select the cast shadow option

 Ambient Light

- The ambient light adds diffuse light to the scene.

- The Ambient Shade factor defines the ratio of ambient and directed light

- Position matters if the Ambient Shade is > 0


 Directional Light

- The directional light shines evenly in one direction

- Therefor the direction matters, but not the position



 Point Light

- The point light emits light from the location of the light

- The decay indicates how fast the intensity decreases with distance

- The position matters, but not the direction


 Spot Light

- The spot light shines within the directions defined by the cone angle

- The penumbra angle defines the area around the cone,
   where light is emitted at a decreasing intensity.

- The Dropoff defines the rate at which the light decreases
  from the center to the edge of the beam

- The position and the direction matter

 Area Light

- The area light is a 2D rectangular light source

- A large area emits more light, therefor also the
  distance to the objects matters

- The position and the size matter

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